“Right Arm-Clock” Stretch Sequence

This is a simple stretch sequence that helps to relieve tension in the shoulder, upper back, and arms. The motion is like rotating your arm like the hand of a clock.

Sequence Steps

  1. Begin from a standing pose with your feet at shoulder width and your hands at your sides.
  2. Then rotate your shoulders so that your right arm points to the ground between your big toes at 6 O’Clock.
  3. Find a position that does not feel tight. Begin with a totally relaxed feeling in areas like your shoulder, arm, and upper back.
  4. Slowly rotate the arm clockwise toward 9 o’clock
  5. Try to perform this as slowly and mindfully as possible, taking pauses for microstretches any time you feel tightness to try to relax it. Ideally, you’d do this at half or a quarter of the speed seen here in the video
  6. Make the circle of the clock as big as possible, while keeping the tightness you feel between total relaxation and light tension. If you feel totally relaxed, make the circle a little bigger. If it gets tight, make the circle a little smaller. Monitor the tension level closely in areas like the shoulder, arm, and upper back throughout the sequence.


  • If any sustained or sharp pain or muscle spasm is felt during the sequence, immediately move to a comfortable position. Remember where the pain was felt so that you can steer around the pain and move more slowly and gently near that position.
  • Keep the motion as slow as possible so that any tension that creeps in can be quickly relieved.
  • If a section of the sequence is totally relaxed and you feel ready to increase the difficulty, position your hand further from your shoulder until light tension is felt and continue along the path.