Welcome to Sequential Stretching

I’m excited to introduce you to a new flexibility technique that has helped my body become way more flexible. The techniques described here have been in development for about two years, since the beginnings of my journey to flexibility in May of 2018.

What Is Sequential Stetching?

Sequential stretching is a new flexibility technique that borrows some of the best aspects of traditional Yoga with some lesser-known flexibility techniques like dynamic stretching and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF). It can dramatically improve flexibility and balance even in people who haven’t seen significant improvements from traditional methods.

Why Am I Building This Website?

Sequential stretching is my top passion in life. I spend almost every free moment of my time practicing the techniques to improve my own flexibility. I have become so convinced of the effectiveness of them that I think this may be the discovery of my life and my most important contribution to the human race. That may sound overconfident or like I’m overselling this, but I have never thought so highly about anything in my life before. I honestly believe millions of people should start doing this today and for the rest of their lives.

Lots More To Come

I will be adding lots of posts and videos to describe and demonstrate some of the techniques fully. I hope to get a lot more people interested and active in sequential stretching and to connect with people who are trying it. Feel free to leave feedback and questions in the comments or contact me directly.

– Mark